Uradna otvoritev Rotary vinograda
Ponosni ob uradni otvoritvi prvega Rotary vinograda v Sloveniji zasajenega z 2.000 trsi avtohtone briške rebule. Vinograd bo v naslednjih letih služil pridelavi rotarijskega vina, ki je osnova za pridobivanje prepotrebnih sredstev za vse dobrodelne akcije Rotary kluba Medana-Goriška
Posebna zahvala družbi BigBang za srčno podporo in dobrodelno donacijo pri samem dogodku kot tudi distriktu 1912 Slovenija – Severna Makedonija za dodeljena sredstva iz projekta.
Proud of the official opening of the first Rotary vineyard in Slovenia planted with 2,000 vines of the autochthonous rebula. In the coming years the vineyard will be used for the production of Rotary wine, which is the basis for obtaining much-needed funds for all charitable campaigns of the Rotary Club Medana-Goriška.
Special thanks to company BigBang Slovenia for the support and charitable donation at the event itself as well as to the district 1912 Slovenia – Northern Macedonia for the allocated funds from the project.
Special thanks to company BigBang Slovenia for the support and charitable donation at the event itself as well as to the district 1912 Slovenia – Northern Macedonia for the allocated funds from the project.